Computer eyestrain? Try a projector
/A quick and dirty post, because I wrote at length about this in Writer's Health. If anyone else is suffering from computer eyestrain that just gets worse year after year - regardless of sunglasses, dim screens, bigger screens, or black backgrounds with green font - and yet your career depends on using a screen...
Try a projector.
It's mildly cumbersome, and people may think you're weird, but used projectors come cheap and your screen can be a bed sheet draped over a broom handle. This is an Epson Powerlite S5, 3 LCD, ten years old and going strong. I've been using it for a year, and honestly think my writing career may have been over without it - the headaches were that bad. Read about the dangerous cumulative effects of digital light on your eyes here. I've started eating fish oil, too; omega-3's have made the eye dryness go away completely. I used to use eye drops eight times a day. Now, not at all.
Take good care of your eyeballs. And every other vital organ.
Happy writing!